
Lupus LA Go Team

Join the Lupus LA GO Team!

Want to host an event for lupus LA? Become a member of the Lupus LA GO Team!

The “G-O” in GO Team stands for Get Organized as the GO Team is a grassroots approach to organizing, raising awareness, and fundraising outside of Lupus LA’s produced events.  The GO Team events are self-produced by you, our supporters, to benefit the programs and mission of Lupus LA.  A GO Team event could be a simple bake sale or an elaborate golf tournament – it’s up to you!

As a GO Team member, you will create and produce the event.  Lupus LA will provide some of the tools you will need to make your event shine and will help promote your event through our social media platforms.  The larger the event, the more Lupus LA can be involved.  Funds raised will support Lupus LA programs and crucial lupus research across the country.

How do I start?

If you are interested in hosting an event please fill out the event registration form.  Once your form has been received, someone from the Lupus LA Team will contact you to discuss your plans.

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Are you working with a PR team?
Do you have an event coordinator?
I have read and agree to the Terms of Agreement.

What do I need to do?

After filling out the above registration form, you will be contacted by a Lupus LA staffer to discuss the plans for your event.  After your event has been approved in writing by Lupus LA for the Lupus LA GO Team, you can start planning. GO Team members may use the official Lupus LA logo as provided by Lupus LA in their fundraising materials for approved GO Team events. All media, documents, and materials that bear the Lupus LA logo must be approved in writing by Lupus LA in each instance prior to publication and use.

It’s important to remember that this is your event. Lupus LA will not sign any contract or be financially responsible for any part of your event.  We are also not able to share sponsors or guarantee attendance of Lupus LA Celebrity Ambassadors. However, we are available to offer guidance and help you navigate through the process.

Please click here to review the Terms of Agreement for the Lupus LA GO Team. Each GO Team member must sign the Terms of Agreement.

How can Lupus LA help me?

Lupus LA will help support your event by sharing the event information on our website calendar and our social media pages and potentially through targeted emails based upon the event location.  Please note: We are not able to share our mailing list and will not be able to help you with labels or mailings.

Depending on the size of attendance, location and date of your event, Lupus LA may be able to send a staff member to the event to help share information about lupus and Lupus LA.

After your event is over, we encourage you to share your experience with others by writing a brief description of the event, including how much you money your event raised and pictures from the event, and sending everything to info@lupusla.org. We will share your success on our social media platforms and in our newsletter.