
Board Member Spotlight: Debbi and Roger Cowan

Lupus LA is thrilled to have Debbi and Roger Cowan on our Executive Board. Both Southern California natives and graduates of Stanford University, they own and operate a real estate and investment firm in Los Angeles and are members of the Board of Governors of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

After their daughter and second child, Amanda, was diagnosed with systemic lupus in 2005, they have been committed to developing strong leadership to increase funding for lupus research.

“These scientists are our ONLY hope. It is the only thing that keeps me going through these difficult days—the hope that one day we will find a way for our beautiful Amanda to live the life she so deserves,” said Debbi.
— Debbi and Roger Cowan
“We are so very fortunate to have Lupus LA, where we can channel our need to help our daughter and others who endure the unpredictable nature of lupus.”