November 23, 2018
Forty-five percent of people with lupus have mouth sores, according to These sores are common symptoms of the autoimmune disease. Since mouth sores are prevalent, in addition to other oral health care problems which relate to lupus (or to side effects from medications that treat the disease), those with lupus need to be scrupulous about dental care. Being open with your dentist about health problems, avoiding spicy and acidic foods, and using fluoride rinses and antimicrobial rinses will help people who live with lupus to keep their teeth and gums in peak condition.
Be open with your dentist
Your dentist should know that you have Lupus. Don’t hesitate to let him or her know that you’re living with the disease, although he or she may be able to tell that you have a health issue based on what’s happening with your mouth, gums and teeth. It’s important to be honest with your dentist about your health problems, because they will impact the oral care plan that your dentist designs for you. When a dentist knows what’s up with your health, he or she will be armed with knowledge that may be used to improve or maintain your oral health. Lupus patients may need to see their dentists more often, since they have special needs. Scheduled dental care is one of the keys to feeling as good as possible.
Avoid spicy and acidic foods
When you stay away from foods that are spicy or acidic, you’ll speed recovery of mouth sores. Spicy and acidic foods irritate mouth sores and impair healing of mouth sores. Some Lupus patients don’t really notice mouth sores until they indulge in spicy or acidic fare. Usually, these sores are found on the roof of the mouth. When you avoid irritating foods, it will be easier to practice good dental hygiene, because brushing and flossing won’t trigger pain. Blander foods will help you to take better care of yourself.
Use fluoride and antimicrobial rinses
Beneficial oral rinses are good choices for Lupus patients. Fluoride rinses help people with Lupus to avoid dry mouths which exacerbate their oral health issues. Antimicrobial rinses help to kill fungi and germs, and this is good news, as many people who have Lupus are prone to oral infections and thrush. Thrush is fungus overgrowth.
Good oral care helps a lot
When you talk openly with your dentist about your health condition, avoid spicy and acidic foods which might irritate mouth sores and use fluoride and antimicrobial rinses to avoid dry mouth, infections and fungus overgrowth, you’ll practical dental care that boosts your oral health and your overall health. Living with Lupus isn’t easy, but the right self-care techniques work wonders. Oral care is a vital part of self-care.
Written by, Jess Walter