Lupus LA offers financial help to people diagnosed with lupus undergoing particularly trying times.
Grant Guidelines
- Emergency Grant requests are accepted from, or on behalf of, individuals diagnosed with lupus who live in the greater Los Angeles area (including Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, Ventura County, and Riverside County)
- Applicants must offer satisfactory evidence that lupus has been medically diagnosed. Evidence provided must include a doctor’s verification (a medical release form)
- Applicants must demonstrate a significant financial need and show how the grant will either meet the need in full or supplement other resources
- Grants are paid by check directly to the agency or provider
- Grants are limited to an annual total of no more than $500 within a 12-month period.
- The Lupus LA financial grant MUST BE directly related to the treatment of lupus or a “lupus-related” emergency. Grant requests are not accepted for rent, mortgage, or car payments
- Grants are not considered for funding when assistance from other sources (family, government, social agency, etc.) is deemed available
To obtain an application for a Lupus LA Emergency Grant, call us at 310-657-5667 ext. 3 on a weekday between 9am and 5pm, or email our Virtual Care Coordinator, Maggie Sepkowitz at
The Lupus LA Emergency Grant Program is contingent upon availability of funds. Funding of a grant for one year does not guarantee funding for subsequent years.